Life doesn’t end at 50. In fact, it’s just beginning.

No matter who you are or where you come from, an ageist narrative plagues every ‘older’

woman. Widely felt yet routinely brushed aside, women over a certain age are made to feel

that their value diminishes as they age. Their feelings and thoughts don’t matter. They are

made to feel invisible.

This is what You Are Not Invisible After 50® is fighting against.

An arm of the training and empowerment organisation, Roaring Ahead, You Are Not Invisible After 50® is dedicated to giving women the tools to stand tall, confident, and visible – no matter their age.

Along with a range of courses and masterclasses, we also offer our podcast that showcases women from all backgrounds redefining what it means to be an empowered woman over 50. As we shine the light on their inspiring stories and unbelievable achievements, You Are Not Invisible After 50® is encouraging women from all walks of life to shed their cloak of invisibility and change the narrative – one story at a time.

A collective movement that is fighting ageism, You Are Not Invisible After 50® is providing women with the tools, inspiration, and community to redefine what it means to be over 50.


Discover our flagship courses aiming to help you become braver, stronger, and more empowered.


Discover an inspiring line-up of phenomenal women who are kicking ass and making an impact.


Discover where You Are Not Invisible After 50® is making waves.